Awesome Hippopotamus

The Start :

Get up your imagination and be creative when building these kids crafts or any others.

experiment with new and different ways of putting it together. The most important thing is to have fun.

Bring these thing or similar objects :
*Plastic Container.
*Masking tape.
* Used toilet paper tubes or Cork (Number 4) .
Some old cardboard or construction paper.*
*Markers or pens .

1-Cut corks:
The first step to making cork legs. You will need to cut the corks at an angle so that the legs will fit on the side of your container.

2- Draw Hippo's body parts:
You will need a pair of eyes, nostrils, ears, and two big hippo teeth. Don't forget the tail! Cut these out when you have some designs you like.
look at Picture :

3- Tape up Hippo's body parts :
Now you can tape on your eyes, ears, teeth and tail.
This cute hippo is easy and fun to make. From here you can decorate your hippo however you'd like.


4- Dresses Hippo's body parts :
Start out covering everything in a base layer of masking tape. This adds lots of texture to the project.

5- Tape up your body parts:
Next you cover all the body parts in tape, making them easier to color on later.

6- Attach Hippo's body parts:
After covering everything with tape we put on the legs and face just like this :

7- Decorate your Hippo :

The final step is the most fun... Decorating! We decided to make our hippo have a nice muddy complexion, but you can color your hippo any way you like.


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