The Happy Chickens

Now use your imagination and be creative .
We will learn how to make happy chicken such a : 
Bring the next: • Plastic or paper cups (Any size).
• Masking tape.
• Straws.(Number 4) •  Old cardboard Box . •   Scissors . • Markers or pens for customizing.
1-  Draw and cut of parts :
Draw and cut out its feet, beak, wings, tail and comb (that’s the red thing on top of a chickens head), maybe with huge feet or tiny wings. Have fun!.
2- Make a Legs :
Take chicken feet and do a hole in them and paste straw ,
and at both ends of both sides of the straw Make a small body of cardboard and paste while keep to balance legs.
3. Tape on  body parts!
Now you can tape on your wings, beak, tail and comb.
Look at Picture :

4-Dressing cups
covering everything in a base layer of masking tape. This adds lots of texture to the project and covers the labels from the cups.
5- Complete coverage the parts :
Cover all the body parts in tape, to making easier to color on later.
Look at the picture :
6- Cover the legs : 
Now,covered the straw legs in tape to make them look more true.

7- The fun part :
Finally, we got to the moment the most fun and is Decorating!
color of chickens with markers (
Any color you like), then put on our goofy eyes last. 

Now we have a chickens and we need to hangar .......
Use your imagination and creativity.


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